What sparks your creativity?
This Expressive Arts workshop takes an interdisciplinary (mixed-media) process-based approach to art making.
The Expressive Arts believe that the arts belong together and that they belong to all of us, in the service of life and well-being. The Expressive Arts invite the exploration of process, rather than product. The focus is on what is needing to emerge and wanting to be expressed, rather than on creating technically complex works.
Initially subject matter will be explored through a contemplative collaborative poetry making process. We will then move into the work by harvesting the images/words that emerged through this process. Demonstrations on surface treatments and transfer techniques are threaded throughout the workshop including individual time with the instructor. Participants will create their own mixed-media piece(s) depending on each artist’s way of working. In addition to the materials found on the materials list, participants are invited to bring personally meaningful objects, images and materials with them to have available for their own use as the creative process unfolds.
Everyone welcome. No art experience necessary.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
10:00 am – 12:30 pm one break in between
12:30 pm – 1:45 pm lunch
1:45 pm – 4:30 pm one break in between
(There is the possibility that we will all go for lunch together to a Café nearby the Gallery)
$ 90.00 (plus tax)
$ 15.00 for extra materials provided by the instructor
Where: Bin Top Studio in The Dawson Creek Art Gallery
For any questions, please call the instructor at: (780) 357-7487 or e-mail
Material List required for class:
– Acrylic paint (primary colours, white and black). Only if you already have your own acrylic paint. If you don’t, please don’t buy.
– Water container
– Palette knife, if you have.
– Bristol Brushes of different sizes, whatever you already have.
– Pair of Scissors
– White glue
– Matte Medium, if you have.
– Small card similar to a credit card for transfer technique
– Any special papers and laces or textured materials if you have.
– Images/small selection of objects, which evoke personal memory
– Small selection of art materials or surfaces you feel you have a special connection with. If this doesn’t apply to you, that’s fine. A variety of art making materials and surfaces will be supplied.
– Personal Journal/Sketchbook
Most important, please bring an open mind !
Register by calling the Dawson Creek Art Gallery 250-782-2601. Class size is limited to 15 students.