'The Amber Girl' by Suzon Tremblay


Ekphrastic Writing

Ekphrasis (noun):
a literary description of or commentary on a visual work of art. It is an
exchange between the artist and the writer who uses words to interpret, inhabit
and imaginatively engage with the artist and the work.

How can you participate?

Regional writers are invited to view the artwork of the 2024 Virtual Open Sky Art Exhibit online at opensky.peaceliardarts.org
Create an Ekphrastic piece or pieces inspired by the Open Sky artwork (writing can be poetry or prose, 200 words maximum per entry up to a maximum of three entries).

Send up to three submissions to Tiia Kand, Executive Director, Arts North East,
ed@artsnortheast.org by November 1st, 2024. 
$10 fee per submission OR $25 ANE membership with no submission fees.
'Inclement' by Angela Fehr

Meet Rebekah Chorney

2023 Ekphrastic Writing Juror

Rebekah Rempel studied creative writing at the University of Victoria. Her poems have been widely published in journals, magazines, and anthologies, including Best Canadian Poetry 2023 (Biblioasis). One of her poems received Canthius’s Priscila Uppal Memorial Award for Poetry.

How it works:

  • One piece of writing will be chosen for the Distinguished Award with additional pieces of writing selected for recognition as Honorable Mention by award-winning Poet Rebekah Chorney (results will be announced by November 11th, 2024).

  • Distinguished Award receives $200 and 5 greeting card prints of their work. (produced by Arts North East).

  • Honorable Mentions will recieve certificates in the mail. 

Enjoy past Ekphrastic Readings


Please contact Tiia Kand at ed@artsnortheast.org with any questions regarding Ekphrastic Writing.