Please note corrections & updates to order of events. April 9, 2013
Downloads: (right-click on link and choose “save link as” to download)
Entry Form
Artist’s Statement Form
Entry Labels
Held annually at one of the five PLRAC member locations, the Regional Juried Art Exhibition provides an opportunity for regional artists to exhibit their work throughout the region. Award winning works of art are chosen by the jurors and include a Distinguished Award, a Recognition Award, a Student Award, a People’s Choice Award and honourable mention “Chosen” awards.
With the sponsorship of the BC Arts Council, Encana and the hosting arts council, the Regional Juried Art Exhibition sees growth in the number and quality of the art being exhibited every year.
Schedule of Events 2013, Fort Nelson, BC:
TUESDAY, MAY 14th: Registration Deadline
TUESDAY, JUNE 4th: Deadline to Receive Work
THURSDAY, JUNE 6th: Hanging of Exhibit
FRIDAY, JUNE 7th: Jurying of Entries
FRIDAY, JUNE 7th: Opening Reception, 7-9pm, Northern Lamplighters Activity Centre, Fort Nelson, BC
SATURDAY JUNE 8th: Artists’ Walk Through 9am-2pm
SATURDAY JUNE 8th: 2013 Art Market, 9am-2pm
SUNDAY, JUNE 9th: Linocut Workshop presented by John Steins, 10am-4pm
Awards & Distinctions: