For the first time the Peace River Zone Theatre Festival will be represented at Mainstage 2013 by an original play written, directed, and acted by high school students from Fort St. John. The winners of the regional theatre Festival were announced Saturday night at the closing of the three day competition among community theatre clubs. The winning play, written and directed by local high school student Mason Temple, won the Best Production among other awards. Adjudicator Stephen Drover of Vancouver praised the group from the Spectacular Chair Factory theatre club for their insight, character development and bravery in staging the show.
The Best Production Award went to Hallways, a festival entry by the Spectacular Chair Factory Theatre Club. The club is a newly formed young people’s theatre club that entered another show in the festival as well. Three additional awards went to Hallways. The entire cast won Best Ensemble and Best Set (Cameron Wilson and Terrence Zhou). Plus Mason Temple won the Best Newbie for his role as a first time playwright and director of a show.
Adjudicator Stephen Drover emphasized that he is awarding Exceptional Awards rather that Best Awards. He said that all the shows had elements of exceptional and the choice is sometimes not easy to make.
Best Director was won by Ted Sloan for The Breakfast Club. This play, also an entry of the Spectacular Chair Factory received more awards than either of the other shows: Best Technical (Jenn Merrett and Ted Sloan), Best Costumes (Melissa Baumeister), Best Supporting Actress (Carli Vance), and Best Supporting Actor (Braden Lock). Braden Lock, a local high school student, adapted the show for the stage which had never been done before.
Spectacular Chair Factory will be fundraising in the next month to raise enough money to get the cast and crew to Mainstage in Kamloops to compete among other selected performances from throughout the province. Hallways will perform Friday, July 12, at 12 noon in Kamloops. The Peace River Zone committee kicks off the fundraising efforts with a $2000 grant.
THEATRE FESTIVAL 2013 RESULTS For further information please contact: Mason Temple (Hallways) 250-794-8088, Braden Lock (Spectacular Chair Factory) 250-263-2201, Dale Hillman (Peace River Zone Theatre) 250-793-6715
For Hallways by Spectacular Chair Factory
Best Production Written and directed by Mason Temple
Best Set Cameron Wilson and Terrence Zhou
Best Ensemble The cast of Hallways
Newbie Award Mason Temple for first time writing and directing
For The Breakfast Club by Spectacular Chair Factory
Best Director Ted Sloan
Best Supporting Actor Braden Lock
Best Supporting Actress Carli Vance
Best Costumes Melissa Beaumeister
Best Technical Ted Sloan and Jenn Merrett
For Take Five by Stage North Theatre Society
Best Runner Up Production Directed by Dale Hillman
Best Actor Dennis Szalai
Best Actress Jamie Lock