Theme Song CD

In 2017, CD launches were held across the region:

August 11, 2017 – Unveiling of “Emergence” with entertainment by CD Artists, NAR Park, Dawson Creek, BC

Video by Kendra Kiss of Jody Peck’s performance August 11th

July 8, 2017 – Fort St. John Artist Market, North Peace Cultural Centre

Video of Dori Braun, July 8th, 2017 CD Launch

June 18, 2017 – Sweetwater905 Arts Festival, Rolla, BC

May 9, 2017 – Lawrence Hill Reading, Dawson Creek Art Gallery (entertainment by CD artists Dori Braun and Barb Munro)

May 6 & 7, 2017 – Fort Nelson Trade Show and Dan’s Pub, Fort Nelson, BC

 Video from Dan’s Pub, May 6, 2017, Fort Nelson

Launches were also held June 8, 2017 (Bright Lights, Fort St. John, BC) and June 23, 2017 (Pioneer Village, Dawson Creek, BC)

Below are some links to interviews on the CD and its artists:

Alaska Highway News Interview September 13, 2017 – Dave McGowan

Alaska Highway News Interview August 16, 2017 – Dori Braun

Alaska Highway News Interview August 10, 2017 – Justin Michael Taylor

Alaska Highway News Interview July 20, 2017 – Virginia Stark

 Alaska Highway News Interview June 28, 2017 – Bill Dolan

 Alaska Highway News Interview May 24, 2017 – Karree J. Phillips 

Alaska Highway News Interview March 21, 2017 – Randy Jorgenson

Alaska Highway News Interview February 23, 2017 – Deb Butler

Alaska Highway News Interview January 26, 2017 – Iyan Bruvold

CBC Radio West – December 16, 2016

Alaska Highway Songs CD Has Shipped!

The CDs are almost here and will be available at outlets all along the Alaska Highway. If you live outside of the region, you can purchase CDs online for $20 – includes shipping! For more information on online sales,visit  .

Stay tuned in the weeks to come for further information on where to buy CDs.

Alaska Highway Songs: Road Songs for the 75th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway

The CD is nearing completion! Here is a glimpse of the cover. Check back often for more details on the songs, launch events, and distribution venues.

Sweetwater905 Theme Song Premiere Performance!

On Sunday, June 12th, several of the singer/songwriters who submitted songs to the 75th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway Theme Song Contest came out to perform their songs (Dori Braun, Iyan Bruvold, Deb Butler, Randy Jorgenson, Marty Peterson, Joel Primeau, Karree J. Phillips, Bill Dolan, Northern Lights Drummers, Lorissa Scriven, and Barb Munro).

And the winners are …

Congrats to Jody Peck’s “Alaska Highway” for receiving the Judges’ Choice pick, and to Chris Gale’s “That’s Where I Was Raised” for receiving People’s Choice! We will be revealing the names of those musicians who will be part of our 2017 CD in the weeks to come.

A huge thanks to all who submitted, to everyone who voted, and to all our supporters who helped promote the contest, with special thanks to CBC’s Daybreak North! Stay tuned, we’ve only just begun!

Read more at: Theme Song Contest Winners Announced!

On January 15th, Josh Page with CBC’s Radio West played his vote for the People’s Choice component of the 75th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway Theme Song contest. And starting Tuesday February 9th, and all through the month of February, CBC’s Daybreak North will be playing submissions to the 75th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway Theme Song Contest. Winners of both the People’s Choice Award and the Judge’s Choice Award will be announced on February 29th. Stay tuned and vote often. Thank you Robert Doane, Carolina De Ryck, Andrew Kurjata and the rest of the crew at CBC!

November 30, 2015 – Thank you to everyone who submitted songs to our 75th Anniversary of the Alaska Highway Theme Song contest!


We received 23 amazing submissions. Some songs gave us goose bumps, some made us want to dance, some gave us a whole new way of looking at the highway. Above all, your submissions proved that, while what you write and sing about is important, it is the way you write and sing that leaves a mark. We are honored to have received your diverse and distinctive talents. And now we leave it to Roy Forbes and Caroline Woodward to choose the “official” theme song.

Alaska Highway 75th Anniversary Theme Song Contest Judges Announced!!

Roy Forbes and Caroline Woodward will select the $1,000 winner of the Theme Song Contest after the November 30th deadline. You can read the full press release here: Theme Song Press Release.